Omnidian solar insurance for solar panels in Houston Texas

the best solar performance plan and cash-back energy guarantee on your solar panels

omnidian solar panel insurance

95% energy guarantee or cash back

monitoring app for solar panels

24/7 professional monitoring

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100% covered mainenance for all solar equipment

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100% peach of mind when you go solar

every solar install includes omnidian

We provide peach of mind to our solar customers in Texas through our solar performance plan from Omnidian.

When you power your house with solar panels, you want to make sure that you have the best experience possible. Omnidian makes that possible, through their:

95% Cash-Back Energy Guarantees

100% Covered Maintenance Program

24/7 Technical Support

Proactive Service Dispatch Team

To provide a stress-free experience for our customers you get Omnidian free-of-charge!

Meyer Burger Solar panels installed on house in Houston Texas

does your house make sense for solar?

built in protection for your solar panels